"I wish I had taken more math at Morton College."

Former Morton College Student who

transferred to a four year college

Now you can! ...

Here's a course designed especially for anyone who is

  • A CIS major
  • Interested in computers
  • Planning to transfer to a four-year college and looking for an interesting elective.

MAT 181 - Discrete Mathematics

Learn all about the math that makes computers and the internet work!

Tue and Thu, 5:00-6:150 pm (3 credit hours)   NEW DAY!

Credits transfer to four-year institutions!

Register early for Spring 2016

Course Description: Introduces students to topics that develop reasoning skills and provide a foundation for further study in computer technology or mathematics. These topics include: Boolean logic, elementary number theory, methods of proof, induction, recursion, sets, combinatorial techniques, functions, graphs and trees.  Applications to digital circuits and computer algorithms will be discussed. Lecture three hours per week. This course applies to the IAI General Education Core Curriculum Mathematics Pakcage (IAI: M1 905).


Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in MAT 105 (College Algebra) or appropriate score on Math Placement Test. Some students who have taken MAT 102 but not MAT 105 may also qualify. Please contact the instructor for more information.


Topics to be Presented in Spring 2016:

  • Logic of Compound Statements
    • Logical Statements, Truth Tables and Truth Values
    • Arguments
    • Boolean Expressions
    • Application to Digital Circuits
    • Binary and Hexadecimal Number Systems
  • Logic of Quantified Statements
  • Introduction to Sets
  • Graphs and Trees
  • Introduction to Sequences and Recursion
  • Combinatorial Techniques


Some Questions We Plan to Consider During the Course: Some of the answers may surprise you!

  • How many ways can you order a pizza if you can choose from 12 different toppings?
  • What is the next number in this sequence:  1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ...
  • What does "fc6a8000" mean in a core dump?
  • If you have an empty bowl, is the following statement true or false: "All of the marbles in the bowl are blue."
  • Given a floor plan of a museum, is it possible to visit every room by passing through each interior doorway exactly once?

About Your Instructor: Geoff Krader has been teaching math at Morton College since 2003. He has a Bachelor's and Master's Degree in math and more than 25 years of experience in private industry, leading multinational teams of over 100 people in the development of complex software systems. Geoff hopes to combine his academic background in math as well as his experience in high tech industry to make MAT 181 an exceptional learning experience!

For more information about MAT 181: