Make-Up Policy for In-Class Quizzes and Exams

This page was updated on: January 16, 2018.

Refer to your Course Syllabus for more specific information about the make-up policy for your course.

There are no automatic make-ups.  In-class quizzes and exams may be made up at the instructor's discretion if arrangements are made in advance.  If there is an emergency and it is not possible to make arrangements in advance, contact your instructor immediately (and BEFORE the deadline announced in the Exam Study Guide) to discuss the possibility of a make-up.  DO NOT EXPECT TO MAKE UP QUIZZES OR EXAMS IF YOU WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT CLASS TO REQUEST A MAKE-UP.


If you have chronically poor attendance (i.e., if you have missed more than a few classes), missing assignments or if you have already made up a quiz or exam, your make-up request may be denied.


Be on-time for quizzes and exams.  If you arrive late, you will not receive any additional time.  If you miss a quiz or exam, you will get a zero.


For more information, please refer to your Course Syllabus.


Starting January 2018, make-up tests will be administered in Room 207B (take the stairs to the second floor of the library and turn left at the top of the stairs).  Contact the Tutoring Center at (708) 656-8000 x2465 to find out their hours or to schedule a time for a make-up test if one has been offered by your instructor.


To make up a test, arrive at the Tutoring Center no later than one hour before they close.  If more than one hour is allotted for an exam, you need to arrive even earlier (e.g., if you are making up a 105 minute final exam, you MUST arrive no later than 105 minutes before the center closes, even if you don't plan to use the entire time allotted).


You must bring a photo ID (e.g., drivers license, school ID) to make up a quiz or exam.  You may bring a calculator if allowed. 


You may not use scratch paper on any quiz or exam.  Do all of your scratch work directly on the exam materials.


Space in the make-up testing room is limited.  It is a good idea to reserve a seat by calling (708) 656-8000 x2465.  Reservations will be held for 10 minutes.  If you are unable to make-up a quiz or exam before your instructor's deadline because space was not available, or you arrived when the center was closed, you will receive a zero on the exam or quiz.  Therefore, don't wait until the last minute to make up a quiz or exam.