History of Web Site Updates - Spring 2018

A chronological history of updates and changes to the kradermath web site.

Changes made after the start of the Spring 2018 semester (January 16, 2018) will be described here.



Date Pages Changes
01/16/2018 MAT 085 Ch. 3 Updated handout for Sec. 3.3.
01/18/2018 MAT 181 Ch. 2 Updated handout for Sec. 2.2.
01/18/2018 MAT 085 Ch. 3 Updated handout for Sec. 3.5.
01/18/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted HW assignments for Sec. 2.1.
01/21/2018 MAT 085 Ch. 3 Updated handout for Sec. 3.6.
01/22/2018 MAT 141 Part I Posted handout for Secs. 1.3-1.4.
01/23/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted due date for HW 2.1-B. Posted homework assignments for Sec. 2.2.  Posted reading assignment for Sec. 2.3.
01/23/2018 MAT 141 Part I Posted handouts for Secs. 1.5 and 1.6.
01/25/2018 MAT 141 Part I Posted Ch. 1 Study Guide.
01/25/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted HW due dates for Sec. 2.2.
01/28/2018 MAT 085 Ch. 8 Updated handout for Sec. 8.2 and Practice Exercises for Sec. 8.3.
01/28/2018 MAT 141 Enabled link to documentation for Part II (Chapters 2 and 3).
01/28/2018 MAT 141 Part II Set up initial documentation page for Part II.
01/29/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted HW assignment and due date for Sec. 2.3.  Posted HW and reading assignments for Sec. 2.4.
02/01/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted due date for HW 2.4.
02/02/2018 MAT 141 Part II Posted handouts for Secs. 2.1 and 2.2.
02/03/2018 MAT 141 Disabled link to list of In-Depth HW Assignments (students will use tab on MyStatLab course home page instead).
02/05/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted reading and homework assignment for Sec. 2.5.
02/05/2018 MAT 181 Ch. 3 Updated handout for Sec. 3.1-3.2 (corrected an error on p. 4).
02/06/2018 MAT 141 Part II Posted handout for Sec. 2.3.
02/07/2018 MAT 085 Posted Mid-Course Exam Study Guide and List of Topics.
02/08/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted reading assignment for Sec. 3.1.
02/09/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted due date for Sec. 2.5 homework assignment.
02/09/2018 MAT 141 Part II Posted Chapter 2 Study Guide, and handouts for Secs. 3.1 and 3.2.
02/10/2018 MAT 141 Part II Posted Sec. 3.1-3.2 Study Guide, handout for Sec. 3.3.
02/12/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted homework assignment for Sec. 3.1.
02/13/2018 MAT 181 Posted date for Exam 1.
02/13/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted due date for Sec. 3.1 HW Assignment.  Posted reading and homework assignment for Sec. 3.2.
02/14/2018 MAT 141 Posted Exam 1 Study Guide.
02/14/2018 MAT 141 Part II Posted handouts for Sec. 3.4 and 3.5.  Posted Study Guide for Sec. 3.3-3.5.
02/15/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted due date for HW Assignment 3.1.  Posted reading and homework assignment for Sec. 3.3.
02/18/2018 MAT 181 Activate links on left sidebar to documentation for remaining chapters except Ch. 9.
02/20/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted reading and homework assignment for Sec. 3.3 (on 02/15/2018, I had mistakenly posted reading and homework for 3.4 instead.
02/20/2018 MAT 181 Posted information about Exam 1.
02/23/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Changed due date for HW 3.2.
02/25/2018 MAT 141 Part II Posted answers to selected HW problems for Ch. 2 In-Depth HW Assignment.
02/26/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Removed due date for HW 3.3 (due date for 2017 class was inadvertently included).  Correct supplemental instructions for HW 3.1 and 3.2 (instructions for 3.1 were inadvertently included in the 3.2 assignment).
02/26/2018 MAT 085 Posted Final Exam Study Guide and End-of-Course Information Sheets.
02/27/2018 MAT 141 Part III Created new page for Part III (Ch. 5, 6, 7). Posted handouts for Secs. 5.1-5.3 even though page is not yet publicly available.
02/27/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted due date for Sec. 3.3 HW assignment.
03/01/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted due date for Sec. 3.4 HW assignment.  Posted reading and homework assignments for Secs. 1.2 and 6.1.
03/02/2018 MAT 086 Ch. 6 Added link to MAT 086 "Review Topics" page.
03/03/2018 MAT 141 Enabled links for Part III (Ch. 5. 6 and 7).
03/03/2018 MAT 141 Part III Posted new version of Sec. 5.3 handout.  Posted Ch. 5 Study Guide.
03/06/2018 MAT 141 Part III Posted Sec. 5.5 handout.
03/06/2018 MAT 181 Enabled link to Secs. 1.2 and 6.1 in left sidebar.
03/08/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Set due date for HW 1.2.
03/12/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted reading assignment for Sec. 10.1.
03/14/2018 MAT 141 Part II Posted answers to selected HW problems for Sec. 3.3-3.5 In-Depth HW Assignment.
03/15/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Post due date for HW 6.1.
03/22/2018 MAT 141 Part III Posted handouts for Ch. 6.
03/26/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted HW assignment for Secs. 10.1 and 10.2, and due date for Sec. 10.1 HW assignment.
03/26/2018 MAT 181 Posted information about Exam 2.
03/26/2018 MAT 141 Part III Posted handout for Sec. 7.1.
03/27/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Added clarification to Sec. 10.1 homework assignment instructions.
03/29/2018 MAT 141 Part III Posted handout for Sec. 7.2 and Sec. 7.1-7.2 Study Guide.
04/03/2018 MAT 141 Posted Exam 2 Study Guide.
04/05/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted due date for Sec. 10.2 homework.  Posted homework and reading assignments for Secs. 10.5 and 10.7.
04/09/2018 MAT 141 Enabled links for Part IV (Ch. 8-11).
04/09/2018 MAT 141 Part IV Posted handouts for Secs. 8.1 and 8.2 and Ch. 8 Study Guide.  Created placeholders for other handouts in Chs. 9-10.
04/10/2018 MAT 086 Posted Mid-Course Exam Study Guide.
04/11/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted due date for Sec. 10.5 homework.
04/12/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted due date for Sec. 10.7 homework.  Posted reading assignment for Sec. 7.1.
04/14/2018 MAT 141 Posted Exam 2 Review Guide online.
04/14/2018 Home Enabled MAT 181 Ch. 5 link in left sidebar.
04/17/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted due date for Sec. 5.1 homework.  Posted reading assignment for Sec. 5.6.
04/18/2018 MAT 086 Posted guide for reviewing Mid-Course Exam.
04/19/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted homework assignments for Sec. 5.6 and reading assignment for Sec. 5.7.
04/19/2018 MAT 141 Part IV Posted handouts for Sec. 9.1.
04/21/2018 MAT 141 Part IV Posted handouts for Sec. 9.2 and 9.3, and Ch. 9 Study Guide.
04/22/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Added extra credit problem to hw assignment for Sec. 5.6 (had inadvertently been deleted).
04/24/2018 MAT 141 Post Exam 3 Study Guide.
04/24/2018 MAT 141 Part IV Posted handout for 10.1-10.2.
04/25/2018 MAT 181 Posted information about Exam 3.
04/25/2018 MAT 141 Posted Final Exam Practice Questions.
04/28/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted HW assignment for Sec. 5.7 and reading assignment for Sec. 9.2.
05/01/2018 MAT 181 Enable link to Chapter 9 page.
05/01/2018 MAT 181 Ch 9 Create Ch. 9 page, with new Ch. 9 handout.
05/01/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Extend due date for Sec. 5.7 homework.
05/04/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted reading assignment for Sec. 9.5.
05/04/2018 MAT 181 Posted information about the final exam.
05/04/2018 MAT 141 Posted Final Exam Study Guide.
05/04/2018 About Your Instructor Posted final exam week office hours (by appointment).
05/04/2018 MAT 141 Part IV Posted Section 10.1-10.2 Study Guide.
05/04/2018 MAT 086 Posted Final Exam Study Guide and End-of-Course Information Sheet.
05/08/2018 MAT 141 Activated link to Part V page.
05/08/2018 MAT 141 Part V Posted handout for Sec. 4.1-4.2.
05/08/2018 MAT 181 HW Assmts Posted (optional) homework assignment for Ch. 9.
05/10/2018 MAT 181 Changed due date for extra credit assignment for Ch. 9.
05/12/2018 MAT 181 Ch. 5 Posted answers to extra credit problem in Sec. 5.1 (The Roofer's Dilemma) and to selected problems in Sec. 5.7.
05/12/2018 MAT 181 Ch 9 Posted answers to selected Ch. 9 homework problems including corrections to several typographical errors.
05/16/2018 Contact Your Instructor Removed Morton email from contact page.
06/11/2018 Home, About Your Instructor Updated contact links to use kradermath@hotmail.com instead of morton.edu email address. Removed information about office number and telephone.
06/11/2018 Courses Updated link to new Modular Math web site at www.morton.edu/modularmath.