Fun Stuff

This page was updated on: November 14, 2009.

Famous Math Students

If you thought that all math majors go on to teach math, guess again. Many famous (and some infamous) people began their careers by studying math in college.


Math in the Media

A list of movies and TV shows that involve math.


Images of Mathematicians on Postage Stamps

A lot of mathematicians have found their way on to postage stamps around the world.  The author of this web site has compiled a web site with lots of examples.


Origins of Mathematical Symbols

Do you ever wonder where + and - signs and other mathematical symbols come from?  This web site may supply some answers.


Road Sign Math

You can find mathematical patterns almost everywhere.  The author of this web site found them in road signs submitted by people around the world.


Ma and Pa Kettle Math

In a movie from the 1940s or 1950s, Ma and Pa Kettle show that 20 / 5 = 14.  And you probably thought 20 / 5 = 4!  (Video.  Running Time 2 min. 15 sec.)


Math Comic Strips

Dozens of comic strips collected by Ted Panitz, a community college math instructor from Massachusetts.