MAT 181 (Discrete Mathematics)

This page was updated on: May 4, 2018.

Course Schedule:  Sec. 1L:  T  Th  5:00-6:15 pm   Room 201D


Prerequisites:  "C" or better in MAT 105 or qualifying score on Math Placement Test.  MAT 102 may be an acceptable substitute for MAT 105 in certain cases (see your instructor).


Course Outline:

  • Logic of Compound Statements, including Digital Logic Circuits and Number Systems (Chapter 2)
  • Logic of Quantified Statements (Chapter 3)
  • Introduction to Set Theory (Sections 1.2, 6.1)
  • Introduction to Graphs and Trees (Sections 10.1, 10.2, 10.5, 10.7)
  • Introduction to Sequences and Recursion (Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.6, 5.7)
  • Counting Techniques (Sections 9.2, 9.5, and other Ch. 9 topics)


Important Announcements


Watch here for important announcements, e.g., information about upcoming exams.


FINAL EXAM: Tuesday, May 15, 5:00 - 6:45 pm.


The final exam is REQUIRED.  If you do not take the final exam, you will receive a failing grade (F) in this course.


Topics: The entire course.


Format: A substantial part of the exam will be multiple-choice.  The remaining questions will be free-format.


Bring: No. 2 pencils and erasers, your own calculator.  You may NOT share calculators nor use calculators attached to cell phones or other electronic devices.  


Notes Page to be supplied with the exam: Page 1 of the Section 10.2 handout will be attached to the final exam.  This is the same sheet that was attached to Exam 3.  


Make-Up Policy: If there is an emergency and you miss the final exam, you must contact your instructor as soon as possible - preferably before the exam - and no later than 12:00 noon on the day following the exam, to discuss the possible of a make-up.  A make-up may be denied if you have poor attendance, missing assignments or you do not have a valid reason (with adequate documentation, if requested).


More information about the exam, including suggested study strategies, is contained in the document below. 


Final Exam Information - Spring 2018
Final Exam Information - MAT 181 (201718
Adobe Acrobat Document 687.2 KB

Homework Assignments

Homework Assignments Handout
(Updated 01/2018)
Describes process for assigning and grading homework. Includes some "strategies for success" to help you with the homework assignments.
HW assignments - MAT 181 - v 2-1 (201801
Adobe Acrobat Document 572.0 KB

Course Documentation

Course Syllabus - Spring 2018
Syllabus - 201718 Spring - MAT 181 Iss 1
Adobe Acrobat Document 721.7 KB
Student Information Form
Please fill this out and return it on the second day of class.
Student Information Form - MAT 181 (2013
Adobe Acrobat Document 580.3 KB

Handouts and Other Documentation for:

Chapter 2 (Logic of Compound Statements)

Chapter 3 (Logic of Quantified Statements)

Sections 1.2 and 6.1 (Introduction to Set Theory)

Chapter 10 (Introduction to Graphs and Trees)

Chapter 5 (Introduction to Sequences and Recursion)

Chapter 9 (Counting Techniques)


Answers to Selected Homework Problems (to be provided)

From time to time, answers to selected homework problems will be posted online (especially graded homework problems that students tended to have difficulty with).


Sets in the Real Number System
This handout describes the subsets of the real number system, which consists of all of the numbers on the number line. There are several topics in this course where it is important to understand the organization of the real number system.
181MN - Sets in the Real Number System -
Adobe Acrobat Document 693.0 KB
Intervals and Sets of Discrete Points on the Number Line
This handout describes the type of intervals, how an interval differs from a set of discrete points, and the notation used to describe both types of sets.
181MN - Intervals and Sets of Discrete P
Adobe Acrobat Document 779.1 KB

Other Links

Textbook Author's Web Site

Includes a link to the errata (list of errors in the textbook), review material, tips and additional problems.


Be sure to check the error list on the author's web site before reading the textbook or working on the homework problems!