MAT 141 (Statistics)

Part II: Descriptive Statistics

This page was updated on: March 14, 2018.

Documentation for Chapter 2

Handout for Sec. 2.1.
141 SL - 2-1 (201718 Spring).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.5 MB
Handout for Sec. 2.2.
141 SL - 2-2 (201718 Spring).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.5 MB
Handout for Sec. 2.3.
141 SL - 2-3 (201718 Spring).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.5 MB
Chapter 2 Study Guide
Ch 2 Study Guide (Sullivan 5e) - MAT 141
Adobe Acrobat Document 627.1 KB
MathNotes for Ch. 2 - Ogives
Optional material not included in the textbook.
141MN - Ogives - Iss 1-0 (200801) J.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 206.9 KB
MathNotes - Drawing Bar Graphs/Histograms and Pie Charts with Excel 2010
These notes assume some familiarity with Excel, i.e., the ability to create spreadsheets.
141MN - Drawing Bar Graphs, Histograms a
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB
Answers to Selected HW Problems - Ch. 2 In-Depth HW Assignment
141 ID ANS - Ch 2 (201718 Spring).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.0 MB

NOTE: MyStatLab includes documentation and videos on using the statistical capabilities of Excel 2010.  To access this information, click on "Tools for Success" on the left sidebar of the course home page.

Documentation for Chapter 3

Handout for Sec. 3.1.
141 SL - 3-1 (201718 Spring).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB
Handout for Sec. 3.2.
141 SL - 3-2 (201718 Spring).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB
MathNotes - Rounding
Calculating statistics often requires rounding. Read these MathNotes to make sure you are rounding correctly. Also learn the difference between 3.0, 3.00, 3.000, etc. (and there IS a difference!)
141MN - Rounding in Statistics - Iss 1-0
Adobe Acrobat Document 61.0 KB
MathNotes - Greek Alphabet
Several letters of the Greek alphabet are used to represent measures in statistics.
141MN - Greek Alphabet - Iss 1-2 (200602
Adobe Acrobat Document 128.2 KB
Secs. 3.1-3.2 Study Guide
Ch 3-1 - 3-2 Study Guide (Sullivan 5e) -
Adobe Acrobat Document 630.1 KB
Handout for Sec. 3.3.
141 SL - 3-3 (201718 Spring).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 904.5 KB
Handout for Sec. 3.4.
141 SL - 3-4 (201718 Spring).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB
Handout for Sec. 3.5.
141 SL - 3-5 (201718 Spring).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 902.7 KB
Sec. 3.3-3.5 Study Guide
Ch 3-3 - 3-5 Study Guide (Sullivan 5e) -
Adobe Acrobat Document 627.2 KB
Answers to Selected HW Problems - Sec. 3.3-3.5 In-Depth HW Assignment
Answers to the paper portion of this assignment (including the extra credit problem).
141 ID ANS - Ch 3 (201718 Spring).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 837.9 KB