MAT 124 (Finite Mathematics)

This page was updated on: December 6, 2017.

Course Schedule:  Sec. 1E:  M T W Th 11:00-11:50 am  Room 201D


Prerequisites:  MAT 105 with a grade of "C" or better, or qualifying score on Math Placement Test.


Course Outline:

- Linear Equations and Their Graphs

- Systems of Linear Equations

- Matrices

- Linear Programming: The Graphical Method

- Linear Programming: The Simplex Method

- Sets

- Probability

- Counting Principles, Permutations and Combinations

- Mathematics of Finance 


MyMathLab Access Codes: krader71627


Important Announcements

Homework assignments, due dates and other announcements will be posted on the MyMathLab home page.

Homework Assignments and MyMathLab

There will be two types of homework assignments:

  • "Basic" Homework Assignments - These will be done online using MyMathLab.  There will generally be one basic homework assignment for each section of the textbook that we cover in class.  These assignments typically consist of multiple-choice and short-answer questions that cover basic skills.
  • "In-Depth" Homework Assignments - Some in-depth assignments will be done online using MyMathLab, some will be written up and turned in on paper, and some will be a combination of both.  Questions will often require more in-depth analytical and communication skills, both of which are extremely important in studying mathematics.

MyMathLab is required to do the online exercises.  To use MyMathLab you will need:

  • An access code, included with new editions of the textbook sold in the Morton College Bookstore.  If you bought a textbook without a valid access code (e.g., from an off-campus vendor), you must purchase the access code separately in the Bookstore or online.  Every student must have his/her own access code.  If you are retaking this course with the same textbook/edition and you already have an access code, you do not need to buy another access code.
  • A computer with internet access (you may use computers on campus if you do not have internet access at home) and an email address that you check daily.  The College provides an email address for every student if you do not already have one.


Set up a MyMathLab account on the first day of class in order to complete the homework due during the first week of class.  The "Homework Assignments" handout (see below) contains information about setting up a MyMathLab account and doing the homework online.  It also describes other features of MyMathLab that you may find helpful.


Click here to access MyMathLab.


Homework Due Dates:  Due dates will be announced in class and posted on MyMathLab.  Pay attention to due dates!  On a basic homework assignment, 50% will be deducted from the score of any question worked on after the due date, and in-depth homework assignments will not be accepted at all after the due date!


Before starting your homework assignments, be sure to check the "Reading Assignments and Homework Instructions" tab on the left sidebar of the course home page for tips, additional instructions and previews of some of the in-depth homework exercises.


For more information about homework, including grading policies and an introduction to MyMathLab, download the "Homework Assignments" document on this page.


MyMathLab Temporary Access Codes:  If you are waiting for financial aid and cannot purchase an access code on the first day of class, click here to learn how to set up a temporary access code that will allow you to begin your coursework and not fall behind.  Temporary access codes expire in 14 days.  At the end of the 14-day period, you must pay for full access to continue using MyMathLab.


Course Documentation

Course Syllabus - Fall 2017
Syllabus - MAT 124 1E - 201718 Fall Iss
Adobe Acrobat Document 760.2 KB
Homework Assignments and Introduction to MyMathLab - Fall 2017
Be sure to read this document - even if you are an experienced MyMathLab user - because we will be using MyMathLab in some ways that may be unfamiliar to you.
HW Assignments - MAT 124 1E - 201718 Fal
Adobe Acrobat Document 1'020.4 KB
Student Information Form
Please fill this out and return it on the second day of class.
Student Information Form - MAT 124 (2017
Adobe Acrobat Document 419.4 KB
First Week Checklist - Fall 2017
Make sure you complete all of the items on this checklist during the first week of class in order to get off to a good start and not fall behind.
Week One Checklist - MAT 124 - 201718 Fa
Adobe Acrobat Document 473.1 KB

Exam Study Guides

Exam Study Guides will be provided at least one week before each exam.

Exam 1 - Wednesday, September 21, in class

Topics: Chapters 1 and 2 (except Sec. 2.6).

MAT 124 - Exam 1 Study Guide
Exam 1 Study Guide - 201718 Fall - MAT 1
Adobe Acrobat Document 638.1 KB

Exam 2 - Tuesday, October 24, in class

Topics: Sections 3.1-3.3, 4.1-4.3

MAT 124 - Exam 2 Study Guide
Exam 2 Study Guide - 201718 Fall - MAT 1
Adobe Acrobat Document 651.9 KB

Exam 3 - Thursday, November 30 - Friday, December 1, online

Topics: Chapter 7 and Sections 8.1-8.4

MAT 124 - Exam 3 Study Guide
Exam 3 Study Guide - 201718 Fall - MAT 1
Adobe Acrobat Document 700.7 KB

Final Exam - Wednesday, December 13, 11:00 am - 12:45 pm, in class

Topics: The final exam covers the ENTIRE COURSE.

Final Exam Study Guide
Final Exam Study Guide - 201718 Fall - M
Adobe Acrobat Document 744.5 KB
Final Exam Practice Questions
This set of problems covers the entire course (through Sec. 5.2). The set of practice problems is about three times as long as the final exam.
Final Exam Practice Problems 11e - MAT 1
Adobe Acrobat Document 628.6 KB
Final Exam - Practice Questions for Sections 5.1-5.2
Additional practice problems (and more detailed answers) from Sections 5.1 and 5.2.
Chapter 5-1 and 5-2 Practice Problems -
Adobe Acrobat Document 711.8 KB

Other Links


Access to all online homework assignments, as well as multimedia instructional material (e.g., videos and animations) and an on-line copy of the textbook.  Click here to find out how to get help for CourseCompass (MyMathLab)


All About Calculators

Do you need to buy a calculator?  Do you have questions about using your calculator?  This web site compares various TI calculators and provides links to other web sites that will help you learn how to use your graphing calculator.


Probability of Casino Games

Dave Thiel, a math teacher in Las Vegas (a city built on probability and statistics), put together this web site that describes the probabilities of various casino games, including roulette, slot machines, video poker and others. (Financial web site)

Lots of information to help you calculate interest, loan payments, etc.