MAT 102 (General Education Mathematics)

This page was updated on: May 6, 2010.

Course Schedule:  Sec. 4K:  T  Th 4:30-6:10 pm  Room 201D


  • MAT 095 or Math Placement Test, AND
  • MAT 092 or Geometry Proficiency Test or 2 semesters of HS geometry with "C" or better

Course Outline:

  • Percents (Section 11.1)
  • Critical Thinking (Chapter 1)
  • Sets (Chapter 2)
  • Consumer Mathematics (Chapter 11, continuing with Section 11.2)
  • Probability (Chapter 12)
  • Statistics (Chapter 13)


Important Announcements

FINAL EXAMTuesday, May 18, 2010. 5:00-6:45 pm. 

The final exam is a multiple-choice exam that covers topics from the entire course.


You may download a Study Guide for the final exam at the bottom of this page.



  • Bring a No. 2 pencil and a calculator (no calculators attached to electronic devices).  You may not share calculators and do not expect to borrow a calculator.
  • You may bring one 8.5x11 notes page, with writing on both sides.  Financial formulas will not be attached to the final exam, so you will probably want to include them on your notes page. For more information, refer to the Study Guide.
  • If you miss the final exam and do not arrange for a make-up immediately, you will receive a zero on the exam and a failing grade in the course. A make-up may be denied if you have poor attendance or do not have a valid reason for a make-up.
  • The final exam score is worth 220 points (22% of your grade), and it will replace your lowest quarterly exam score if your final exam score is higher.


Homework Assignments

Homework will be assigned at almost every class. To learn the course material, you must do ALL of the assigned homework, even if you feel that you understand the textbook and the classroom discussion. The time we spend in class working on exercises is not enough time to learn the course material and is not a substitute for homework.


Homework will be collected and graded on randomly selected days and will make up 10% of your final grade.  Start your homework early so you have time to ask questions, if necessary, and turn in your homework on time.  Late homework will NOT be accepted. For more information, see the Course Syllabus and the Homework Assignments handouts, below.


Course Documentation

Course Syllabus
Syllabus - 200910 Spring - MAT 102 4K Is
Adobe Acrobat Document 379.4 KB
Homework Assignments
HW assignments - 200910 Spring - MAT 102
Adobe Acrobat Document 322.8 KB
Setting up a Login for MyMathLab and MyStatLab
Instructions for Setting Up MyMathLab Ac
Adobe Acrobat Document 207.5 KB
Student Information Form
Student Information Form - MAT 102 (2008
Adobe Acrobat Document 147.8 KB

Exam Study Guides

Exam 1 Study Guide (Sections 11.1 1.1-1.3, 2.1-2.5)
MAT 102 - Exam 1 Study Guide (200910 Spr
Adobe Acrobat Document 241.5 KB
Chapter 11 Study Guide (starting with Sec. 11.2)
Exam will take place after Spring Break. The date will be announced soon!
MAT 102 - Chapter 11 Study Guide (200910
Adobe Acrobat Document 219.0 KB
Chapter 12 Study Guide
The Study Guide covers the entire chapter, even though Exam 3 will only cover Sections 12.1 through 12.9 (the remaining sections will be included on the Final Exam).
MAT 102 - Chapter 12 Study Guide (200910
Adobe Acrobat Document 244.9 KB
Final Exam Study Guide (Krader's section)
MAT 102 - Final Exam Study Guide (200910
Adobe Acrobat Document 268.7 KB
Final Exam Practice Questions
These practice questions, which cover a sample of the material discussed in the course, are provided to help you prepare for the final exam.
MAT 102 - Final Exam Practice Questions
Adobe Acrobat Document 657.7 KB
Final Exam Practice Questions - Detailed Solutions (Revised 05-12-2010)
Spend at least 10 or 15 minutes trying to solve the problem yourself before looking at the solution. Note that some of the problem solving techniques may differ from those we learned in class.
MAT 102 - Final Exam Practice with Solut
Adobe Acrobat Document 401.9 KB

Other Links

MyMathLab (based on Course Compass)

An optional, online interactive learning environment with features such as (1) practice exercises keyed to the textbook, with guided solutions and helpful feedback if you enter an incorrect answer, (2) online chapter tests, (3) an online version of the textbook with multimedia presentations (videos and animations) for many of the topics covered in the textbook, (4) access to the Pearson Math Tutor Center. In order to use MyMathLab, you need to purchase a Student Access Code (unless you already have an access code, or you bought a new textbook which includes the access code).



A free web site that contains the practice exercises and associated help capabilities (but not the other features) of MyMathLab. No access code is required.  Toiaccess the exercises, select the textbook title from the drop-down menu at the web site's homepage.


Pearson Math Tutor Center

Professional tutors provide one-on-one help via phone, fax, email and real-time internet sessions. Tutors can help explain concepts and/or help you with homework exercises with answers in the textbook.  This service is free for students with a MyMathLab or MyStatLab login.  Other students can obtain access to the Tutor Center for $25 (click here for details).


All About Calculators

Do you need to buy a calculator?  Do you have questions about using your calculator?  This web site compares the various TI 83/83+ and 84/84+ graphing calculators and provides links to other web sites that will help you learn how to use your graphing calculator.  You may also click here to download TI Connect software, which allows you to connect your calculator to your computer (e.g., to capture screen images or download data sets and software to your calculator).

Lots of useful information to help you calculate interest, loan payments, etc.


New Credit Card Rules - Effective February 22, 2010

Link to the Federal Reserve Board web site for information on the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure (Credit CARD) Act signed into law by President Obama on May 22, 2009.


Probability of Casino Games

Dave Thiel, a math teacher in Las Vegas (a city built on probability and statistics), put together this web site that describes the probabilities of various casino games, including roulette, slot machine and video poker.