MAT 086 (Intermediate Algebra-Part II)

MAT 095 (Intermediate Algebra)

Documentation for Chapter 6 (Rational Expressions and Equations)

This page was updated on: March 2, 2018.

Review of Fractions

Chapter 6 covers rational expressions, which are fractions whose numerator and denominator are polynomials. Among other things, we will learn how to reduce and perform arithmetic operations (add, subtract, multiply and divide) on rational expressions. In order to learn this material, you will need to know how to work with polynomials (this includes factoring) ... AND YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW TO REDUCE AND PERFORM ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS ON FRACTIONS INVOLVING REAL NUMBERS.


If you need to review fractions, consider reading Section 1.3 of the textbook and doing the optional 1.3 homework exercise on MyMathLab.  Note that the information in Section 1.3 assumes you already know quite a bit about fractions (e.g., it assumes you know how to find a least common denominator).


Other resources:

An excellent web site that describes fractions and the arithmetic operations involving fractions, then gives you lots of opportunity for practice.


MAT 086 Review Topics Page

Additional documents to help you review fractions.


Handout for 6.1
Updated 10/30/2017 for 7th ed. of textbook.
086-095 SL - 6-1 (201718 Fall).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 766.2 KB
Handout for 6.2
Updated 10/30/2017 for 7th ed. of textbook.
086-095 SL - 6-2 (201718 Fall).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 636.1 KB
Handout for 6.3-6.4
Updated 11/01/2017 for 7th ed. of textbook.
086-095 SL - 6-3 - 6-4 (201718 Fall).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 717.0 KB
Handout for 6.5
Updated 11/12/2017 for 7th ed. of textbook.
086-095 SL - 6-5 (201718 Fall).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 576.2 KB
Handout for 6.6
Updated 11/12/2017 for 7th ed. of textbook.
086-095 SL - 6-6 (201718 Fall).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 579.5 KB