All About Calculators

Helpful information about buying a new calculator and learning how to use it.

This page was updated on: October 3, 2017.

Which calculator should I purchase?

If you are buying a new calculator:

I recommend Texas Instruments (TI) calculators. I will be using a TI calculator in class to do demonstrations, and calculator examples in the textbooks we use are usually based on TI calculators.


If you need a calculator for other courses, talk to the other instructors about their calculator requirements before making your purchase.


If you already have a calculator:

If you are taking MAT 083/084 or 095 and you have another brand of calculator, there is no need to replace it as long as it is a scientific calculator. To check whether you have a scientific calculator, enter 2 + 3 x 4.  If you get 14 as an answer, you have a scientific calculator.  If you get 20 as an answer, you do not have a scientific calculator and you should buy a new one.


If you are taking MAT 124 or 141 and you have another brand of calculator, you will need to replace your calculator. I will not be able to help you unless you have one of the recommended TI calculators.


Calculators for MAT 083/084/085/086

  • A scientific calculator is required.
  • Calculators with a computer algebra system (such as the TI-36X Pro) are not allowed.
  • TI-Nspire calculators are not allowed.
  • Here are some suggested models and their capabilities:



  • A basic calculator that provides all the capabilities you need for these courses.
  • Basic scientific and trigonometric functions.
  • Battery-powered.
  • One-line display.


TI-30X IIs

  • Two-line scrolling display. Displays the keystrokes you enetered as well as the answer.
  • Basic scientific and trigonometric functions.
  • Basic statistical functions (sufficient for MAT 102 or MAT 181 but NOT for MAT 141).
  • Solar and battery powered.


TI-30XS MultiView (tm)

TI-34 MultiView (tm)

  • Four-line display.
  • Basic scientific and trigonometric functions.
  • Basic statistical functions (sufficient for MAT 102 or MAT 181 but NOT for MAT 141).
  • Solar and battery powered.


The following calculators are no longer sold


TI-30X IIb

  • Same capabilities as the TI-30X IIs with battery power instead of solar power.


TI-34II Explorer Plus

  • Basic scientific, trigonometric and statistical functions.
  • Allows operations with fractions and mixed numbers.
  • Solar-powered.
  • Two-line display. 



Calculators for MAT 102

A scientific calculator with 1- and 2-variable statistical functions is required.  Any current TI-30X series calculator (except the TI-30Xa), TI-36X series calculator, TI-34II or TI-34 MultiView calculator has these functions and is recommended.


Calculators for MAT 124 and 141

A graphing calculator is required. As explained above, if you don't have a TI calculator, you will have difficulty following classroom and textbook examples that use a calculator.


TI-83 and TI-83 Plus

  • Basic graphing calculators that provide all the capabilities you will need for these courses.
  • NOTE: The TI-83 has been discontinued, but if you have one, there is no need to replace it.

TI-84 Plus

  • 3 times the memory of the TI-83 Plus.
  • Faster processor.
  • Improved display.
  • More preloaded applications.
  • USB cable included.


TI-83 Plus Silver Edition (SE) and

TI-84 Plus Silver Edition (SE)

  • 9 times the memory of the TI-83 Plus.
  • Additional preloaded applications.
  • Customizable faceplates and slide cases available.
  • USB cable included (TI-83 Plus SE comes with a GraphLink connector instead of a USB cable).
  • NOTE: The TI-83 Plus SE has been discontinued, but if you have one there is no need to replace it.


TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition (SE)

  • All the features of the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition plus ...
  • More than 2x the memory of the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition.
  • Color backlist display.
  • Rechargeable battery (instead of 4 AAA batteries).


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: WIll I need the extra speed and memory for these classes?

A: No. A faster calculator may shave only a few seconds off the most difficult problems we will do in class. However, additional memory is required if you plan to load application software which is NOT required for these classes.


Q: What is the USB cable and the GraphLink?

A: Both allow you to link the calculator to a PC, which will allow you to print screen displays on your PC (e.g., to include calculator output in homework assignments), or download application software and data sets (not required). The USB cable also allows you to transfer applications and data from one calculator to another (not required).


Q: Where can I get more information.

A: Visit the calculator comparison page on TI's website.



Check with your instructor if you have any of the following calculators or a calculator that is not listed above.


TI-89 and TI-89 Titanium

A very powerful calculator. However, it contains a Computer Algebra System (CAS) that may not be allowed in some classes. It also uses different keystrokes than the TI-83/84, making it difficult to follow examples in class and in the textbook.



Not acceptable for MAT 141, because it does not contain all the statistical functions required for that class. Graphing capabilities are also not as strong as on newer models.


TI-85 or TI-86

Please check with your instructor.


Other Helpful Calculator Links For Any Course



TI Calculator homepage


Download TI Connect software

Used to transfer data and screen images between your graphing calculator and a PC.


Tutorials on using the TI graphing calculators

From the TI web site.


Guidebooks for TI scientific and graphing calculators

From the TI web site.




Tutorial on using the TI-83/84 series graphing calculators


Online help for several models of graphing calculators

with an alphabetized list of questions.